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1910 — 1922
Vol. 42, No. 4
Thayer, John Adams (editor)
New York: John Adams Thayer Company, 1914-04-01 180 p.; 25 x 17 cm.
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The House in Demetrius Road. Part I (Beresford, J. D.): 1-32
At the Last (Bynner, Witter): 32-32
Ballad of Two Seas (Sterling, George): 33-34
The Mobled King (Beerbohm, Max): 35-41
Willow Song (Loveman, Robert): 42-42
Ol' Marse Winter (Ogden, Mary Alice): 42-42
The Column (Stringer, Arthur): 43-50
The Tribe (Hastings, Basil Macdonald): 51-58
Spring Night (Teasdale, Sara): 58-58
The Path of the Moth (Scheffauer, Herman): 59-65
Pertinent and Impertinent (Hatteras, Owen): 66-66
The Descent of George (Talbot, Helen): 67-73
Manhood (Wattles, Willard A.): 74-74
'Season With Salt' (Johnson, Hugh): 75-79
The Still Places (Fisher, Mahlon Leonard): 79-79
I Walked the Wood (Le Gallienne, Richard): 80-80
Oh, Perfect Love! (Tilden, Freeman): 81-88
The Country of the Young (Byrne, Donn): 88-88
St. Madron and the Lovers (Phillpotts, Eden): 89-96
The Twelve Forty-Five (Kilmer, Joyce): 97-98
The After-Dinner Speaker (Allen, Lewis): 99-101
M-I-L-E-S-T-O-N-E-S (Cooke, Edmund Vance): 102-102
The Mud Devil of Nigger Hill (Kerr, Walter S.): 103-109
Separation (Hooker, Brian): 110-110
April (Untermeyer, Louis): 110-110
When the Wine Is In (Campbell, Evelyn M.): 111-115
Sunday (Lewisohn, Ludwig): 115-115
The Flash (Clark, Ruth): 116-116
Ambition (Booth, Frederick): 117-125
The Truant Ways (Scollard, Clinton): 126-126
Two (Collier, Tarleton): 127-128
If the Game Be Straight (Brodhead, Dorothy H.): 129-134
The House of Death (Le Cron, Helen Cowles): 134-134
The Dragon's Claws (Carpenter, Grant): 135-141
Her Glove (Jones, Charles Campbell): 141-141
Unless (Stinson, S. S.): 142-142
La Maguelonne (Perrier, E. G.): 143-144
Roosevelt, Bulwer-Lytton and Anthony Comstock (Mencken, H. L.): 145-152
The Spitzbub' and the Theater (Nathan, George Jean): 153-159
Something Personal (the Publisher of The Smart Set): 160-160
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