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1907 — 1928
Volume 19, Number 8

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1916-06-22
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Contents Notes of the Week: 169-172
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 173-173
Certain Social Tendencies of the War (Belloc, H.): 174-175
The innocents Abroad (Verax): 175-176
Our Un-ideaed Press (Brookfarmer, Charles): 177-177
Education Under National Guilds (Townshend, E.): 178-179
A Modern Document (Reed, Acton): 179-180
A Modern Document (Lawrence, Herbert): 179-180
Great Books as Grotesques (Carter, Huntly): 180-181
Readers and Writers (R. H. C.): 181-182
Tales of To-day (Bechhofer, C. E.): 182-183
A Silhouette from the War (Ropshin, V.): 183-184
A Silhouette from the War (Currall, R. T.): 183-184
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 184-185
Reviews: 185-186
Old Idea of Choan (Rosoriu): 186-186
Old Idea of Choan (Pound, Ezra): 186-186
A Ballad of the Mulberry Road (Fenollosa, Ernest): 186-187
From the Chinese (Pound, Ezra): 186-187
Sennin Poem (Kakuhaku): 187-187
"Chimeras Dire" (Kenway, Philip T.): 187-187
Patriotic Stanzas (Selver, P.): 187-187
To-Em-Mei's "The Unmoving Cloud" (T'ao Youan Ming): 187-187
Sennin Poem (Pound, Ezra): 187-187
To-Em-Mei's "The Unmoving Cloud" (Pound, Ezra): 187-187
Pastiche: 187-188
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 188-188
Irrelevances; Or, "Vers Libre Oh-so-easy" (Bulge, Henry): 188-188
(Ince, Howard): 188-189
Letters to the Editor: 188-191
International Law (A. E. R.): 189-189
Russian and the "Times" (Anti-Northcliffe): 189-189
The "Shirker" and the Conscientious Objector (Payne, C. E.): 189-189
Mr. C. H. Norman (Norman, C. H.): 189-190
Mr. Bernard Shaw (Adstock, H. E.): 190-190
The Enemy in the House (Any Mother): 190-190
An Open Letter to Mr. Lloyd George (Gay, Christopher): 190-190
Spies and Cream (Nitrates, Ch.): 190-190
The Wells of Truth (P. V. C.): 190-190
Modern Architecture (Harrison, Austen St. B.): 190-191
Romanticism in Art (C. S. D.): 191-191
Shakespeare as Grotesque (Carter, Huntly): 191-191
Press Cuttings: 192-192
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