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1914 — 1922
Vol. 6, No. 3
Anderson, Margaret C. (editor)
New York: Margaret C. Anderson, 1919-07-01 72 p.; 21.9 x 14.6 cm
Vol. 6, No. 3
Anderson, Margaret C. (editor)
New York: Margaret C. Anderson, 1919-07-01 72 p.; 21.9 x 14.6 cm
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Contents: 1-1
Wax Dummy in Shop Window (Rodker, John): 3-3
Wild West—Remittance Man (Rodker, John): 4-4
'The Pale Hysterical Ecstasy' (Rodker, John): 5-5
Theatre Muet. The End of the World. 6 (Rodker, John): 6-6
Theatre Muet. The Bowed Head. II (Rodker, John): 7-7
Chryselephantine (to C.D.) (Rodker, John): 8-8
Dutch Dolls (Second Series) (Rodker, John): 9-9
Unliterary (Rodker, John): 10-10
Interim. Chapter II (Richardson, Dorothy): 11-24
Derrière L'Écho (Bellamann, H. H.): 24-24
The Dancer in the Mirror (Bellamann, H. H.): 25-25
Atavistic (Bellamann, H. H.): 25-25
Garden Corner (Bellamann, H. H.): 26-27
Ulysses. Episode X (continued) (Joyce, James): 28-47
Advice to a Blue-Bird (Bodenheim, Maxwell): 48-48
Discussion. Women and Conversation (Ciolkowska, Muriel): 49-50
Discussion. Spiritual Bastinadoing (Quitman, Jesse): 50-51
Discussion. The Poet of Maine (Hartley, Marsden): 51-55
Poems. 22 [I send these violets, Madame] (Gould, Wallace): 55-56
Poems. 30 [I should have struck you between the eyes] (Gould, Wallace): 56-57
Poems. 17 [It is a losing game, old dear] (Gould, Wallace): 57-58
The French Pepys (Tourneur, N.): 59-60
Profiles and Afternoons: Prelude (Winters, A. Y.): 60-60
Sunday Afternoon: After Jules Laforque (Cowley, Malcolm): 61-62
Experiments. The Commandments of the Somewhat (Unfinished) (Ketch, John): 62-63
Experiments. Alone in the House (Heller, Helen West): 63-64
Back Advertisements: 64-H
Contents: 1-1
Wax Dummy in Shop Window (Rodker, John): 3-3
Wild West—Remittance Man (Rodker, John): 4-4
'The Pale Hysterical Ecstasy' (Rodker, John): 5-5
Theatre Muet. The End of the World. 6 (Rodker, John): 6-6
Theatre Muet. The Bowed Head. II (Rodker, John): 7-7
Chryselephantine (to C.D.) (Rodker, John): 8-8
Dutch Dolls (Second Series) (Rodker, John): 9-9
Unliterary (Rodker, John): 10-10
Interim. Chapter II (Richardson, Dorothy): 11-24
Derrière L'Écho (Bellamann, H. H.): 24-24
The Dancer in the Mirror (Bellamann, H. H.): 25-25
Atavistic (Bellamann, H. H.): 25-25
Garden Corner (Bellamann, H. H.): 26-27
Ulysses. Episode X (continued) (Joyce, James): 28-47
Advice to a Blue-Bird (Bodenheim, Maxwell): 48-48
Discussion. Women and Conversation (Ciolkowska, Muriel): 49-50
Discussion. Spiritual Bastinadoing (Quitman, Jesse): 50-51
Discussion. The Poet of Maine (Hartley, Marsden): 51-55
Poems. 22 [I send these violets, Madame] (Gould, Wallace): 55-56
Poems. 30 [I should have struck you between the eyes] (Gould, Wallace): 56-57
Poems. 17 [It is a losing game, old dear] (Gould, Wallace): 57-58
The French Pepys (Tourneur, N.): 59-60
Profiles and Afternoons: Prelude (Winters, A. Y.): 60-60
Sunday Afternoon: After Jules Laforque (Cowley, Malcolm): 61-62
Experiments. The Commandments of the Somewhat (Unfinished) (Ketch, John): 62-63
Experiments. Alone in the House (Heller, Helen West): 63-64
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