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1911 — 1917
Vol. 10, No. 1-2
Eastman, Max (editor)
New York: The Masses Publishing Co., 1917-11-01 44 p.; 27.5 x 21.5 cm.
Vol. 10, No. 1-2
Eastman, Max (editor)
New York: The Masses Publishing Co., 1917-11-01 44 p.; 27.5 x 21.5 cm.
change view:
Cover Image (Barns, Cornelia): 1-1
Contributing Editors: 2-2
Front Advertisements: 2-2
Orchids and Hollyhocks. In a Class Room (Henderson, Rose): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Enchantment (Schuyler, Margaretta): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Song of Vanity (Dowd, Harrison): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Family Pew (MacMillan, Mary): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Marsh (Barr, Nann Clarke): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Lucky Man (Holbrook, Weare): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Proportionately (Sangster, Margaret E.): 3-3
Pastoral (Gellert, Hugo): 4-4
The Truth about the I. W. W. (Callender, Harold): 5-6
At the Top of the World: 7-7
Prayer for Annihilation (Wattles, Willard): 12-12
Autumn Light (Eastman, Max): 13-13
Woman. I (Walkowitz, A.): 13-13
A Letter from John Reed (Reed, John): 14-15
Marx and Newspapers (Young, Arthur): 15-15
The Bridge (Seiffert, Marjorie Allen): 15-15
In a Southern Garden (Amidon, Beulah): 15-15
Commentary: 16-16
Onlookers (Plummer, Ethel): 16-16
We Must Make This a Socialist Year: 16-16
When Sleeping Shall Mine Eye-Lids Close (Garnett, Louise Ayres): 16-16
About Jack London (Sinclair, Upton): 17-20
Woman. II (Walkowitz, A.): 20-20
Correspondence. To President Wilson (Eastman, Max): 21-21
Private Ownership (Young, Art): 22-23
Correspondence. From President Wilson, to Mr. Eastman (Wilson, Woodrow): 24-24
Correspondence. From Romain Rolland, to Mr. Eastman (Rolland, Romain): 24-24
Correspondence. From Upton Sinclair, to Max Eastman (Sinclair, Upton): 24-25
Back-Yard Flags (Gminska, E.): 25-25
Portrait of a Friend (Untermeyer, Louis): 25-25
Sonnet (Mayer, Edwin Justus): 25-25
Illustration for 'South Street' (Barber, John): 26-26
South Street (D. D.): 26-26
Birth: A Prologue to a Tentative East Side Novel (Granich, Irwin): 27-28
East Side Sketches (Margulies, Joseph): 28-28
Should Art Young Be Shot at Sunrise (Wood, Charles W.): 29-30
The Seven Arts: 30-30
Books That Are Interesting. The Book of the Month—Book Review of 'King Coal' by Upton Sinclair (Day, Dorothy): 31-31
Books That Are Interesting. Marching Men—Book Review of 'Marching Men: A Novel' by Sherwood Anderson (D. D.): 31-32
Books That Are Interesting. My Political Ideals—Book Review of 'Political Ideals' by Bertrand Russell (Dell, Floyd): 32-34
Books That Are Interesting. War Stuff—Book Review of 'Grapes of Wrath' by Boyd Cable (H. P. S.): 34-34
Books That Are Interesting. The Fictitious Rôle—Book Review of 'The Fortunes of Richard Mahony' by Henry Handel Richardson (F. D.): 34-35
Books That Are Interesting. The God of Youth—A Letter from a Young Soldier (J. N. W.): 35-35
Above the Hill (Flexner, Hortense): 35-35
Back Advertisements: 36-38
Orchids and Hollyhocks. 'Extra' (Deutsch, Babette): 37-37
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Love Need Have Nothing Else to Do (Wynne, Annette): 37-37
Orchids and Hollyhocks. On the Roof (Andante cantabile) (Kline, Leonard): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. On Reading the New Republic (Barnard, Seymour): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Breathless (Dowd, Harrison): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Lips of My Lover (Richards, Alice May): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Any Man to Any God (Bacon, Ralph): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Your Eyes (Waite, Ethel): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. You (Barr, Nann Clark): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Reward on Earth (Sabel, Marx G.): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Harvest Moon (Glaenzer, Richard Butler): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Sea Moths (Schuyler, Margaretta): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Kiss (Egri, Lajos): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. I Am Afraid to Face the Spring (Ginsberg, Louis): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Brother of Poets (Henke, Mary Isabelle): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Patriotic Song No. 689 (Underhill, Ruth): 42-42
Orchids and Hollyhocks. To One Loved (Mastin, Florence Ripley): 42-42
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Coolie Ship (Coatsworth, Elizabeth J.): 43-43
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Little Daughter of the Streets (True, Ruth): 43-43
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Contradictions (Ward, Lizzie C.): 43-43
Contributing Editors: 2-2
Front Advertisements: 2-2
Orchids and Hollyhocks. In a Class Room (Henderson, Rose): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Enchantment (Schuyler, Margaretta): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Song of Vanity (Dowd, Harrison): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Family Pew (MacMillan, Mary): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Marsh (Barr, Nann Clarke): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Lucky Man (Holbrook, Weare): 3-3
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Proportionately (Sangster, Margaret E.): 3-3
Pastoral (Gellert, Hugo): 4-4
The Truth about the I. W. W. (Callender, Harold): 5-6
At the Top of the World: 7-7
Prayer for Annihilation (Wattles, Willard): 12-12
Autumn Light (Eastman, Max): 13-13
Woman. I (Walkowitz, A.): 13-13
A Letter from John Reed (Reed, John): 14-15
Marx and Newspapers (Young, Arthur): 15-15
The Bridge (Seiffert, Marjorie Allen): 15-15
In a Southern Garden (Amidon, Beulah): 15-15
Commentary: 16-16
Onlookers (Plummer, Ethel): 16-16
We Must Make This a Socialist Year: 16-16
When Sleeping Shall Mine Eye-Lids Close (Garnett, Louise Ayres): 16-16
About Jack London (Sinclair, Upton): 17-20
Woman. II (Walkowitz, A.): 20-20
Correspondence. To President Wilson (Eastman, Max): 21-21
Private Ownership (Young, Art): 22-23
Correspondence. From President Wilson, to Mr. Eastman (Wilson, Woodrow): 24-24
Correspondence. From Romain Rolland, to Mr. Eastman (Rolland, Romain): 24-24
Correspondence. From Upton Sinclair, to Max Eastman (Sinclair, Upton): 24-25
Back-Yard Flags (Gminska, E.): 25-25
Portrait of a Friend (Untermeyer, Louis): 25-25
Sonnet (Mayer, Edwin Justus): 25-25
Illustration for 'South Street' (Barber, John): 26-26
South Street (D. D.): 26-26
Birth: A Prologue to a Tentative East Side Novel (Granich, Irwin): 27-28
East Side Sketches (Margulies, Joseph): 28-28
Should Art Young Be Shot at Sunrise (Wood, Charles W.): 29-30
The Seven Arts: 30-30
Books That Are Interesting. The Book of the Month—Book Review of 'King Coal' by Upton Sinclair (Day, Dorothy): 31-31
Books That Are Interesting. Marching Men—Book Review of 'Marching Men: A Novel' by Sherwood Anderson (D. D.): 31-32
Books That Are Interesting. My Political Ideals—Book Review of 'Political Ideals' by Bertrand Russell (Dell, Floyd): 32-34
Books That Are Interesting. War Stuff—Book Review of 'Grapes of Wrath' by Boyd Cable (H. P. S.): 34-34
Books That Are Interesting. The Fictitious Rôle—Book Review of 'The Fortunes of Richard Mahony' by Henry Handel Richardson (F. D.): 34-35
Books That Are Interesting. The God of Youth—A Letter from a Young Soldier (J. N. W.): 35-35
Above the Hill (Flexner, Hortense): 35-35
Back Advertisements: 36-38
Orchids and Hollyhocks. 'Extra' (Deutsch, Babette): 37-37
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Love Need Have Nothing Else to Do (Wynne, Annette): 37-37
Orchids and Hollyhocks. On the Roof (Andante cantabile) (Kline, Leonard): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. On Reading the New Republic (Barnard, Seymour): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Breathless (Dowd, Harrison): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Lips of My Lover (Richards, Alice May): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Any Man to Any God (Bacon, Ralph): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Your Eyes (Waite, Ethel): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. You (Barr, Nann Clark): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Reward on Earth (Sabel, Marx G.): 39-39
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Harvest Moon (Glaenzer, Richard Butler): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Sea Moths (Schuyler, Margaretta): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Kiss (Egri, Lajos): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. I Am Afraid to Face the Spring (Ginsberg, Louis): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Brother of Poets (Henke, Mary Isabelle): 41-41
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Patriotic Song No. 689 (Underhill, Ruth): 42-42
Orchids and Hollyhocks. To One Loved (Mastin, Florence Ripley): 42-42
Orchids and Hollyhocks. The Coolie Ship (Coatsworth, Elizabeth J.): 43-43
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Little Daughter of the Streets (True, Ruth): 43-43
Orchids and Hollyhocks. Contradictions (Ward, Lizzie C.): 43-43