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1910 — 1922
Vol. 66, No. 3
Bridges, Robert (editor)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1919-09-01 264 p.; 24.1 x 16.5 cm
Vol. 66, No. 3
Bridges, Robert (editor)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1919-09-01 264 p.; 24.1 x 16.5 cm
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Contents: C-C
Front Advertisement: adv2-adv40
Peace Envoys on Board the Mayflower, August 5, 1905: Frontispiece-Frontispiece
Theodore Roosevelt and His Time: Shown in His Own Letters. Roosevelt--Peacemaker. I (Roosevelt, Theodore): 257-275
The Head-Hunters of Borneo (Lumhotlz, Carl): 276-286
Talks with Four Monarchs: Passages from the Diary of George von Lengerke Meyer (Meyer, George von Lengerke): 287-296
The Talisman (Brown, Katharine Holland): 297-305
Portrait of a Lady (Cleghorn, Sarah N.): 306-307
The Heads of the Mountain (Desmond, Shaw): 308-313
Armistice Days in Paris (Waddington, Mary King): 314-324
In Morocco. Fez. III (Wharton, Edith): 324-340
"Wade in, Sanitary!": The Story of a Division Surgeon in France (Derby, Richard): 341-345
The Call of the Gods (Rivers, Stuart): 346-359
Transmutation (Jennings, Leslie Nelson): 359-359
A Hill-town of Old Castile (Peixotto, Ernest C.): 360-366
The Fakir (Curtiss, Philip): 367-377
The Point of View: 378-380
The Field of Art. Talfourd--The Artist of the Brownings (Johnston, Eliza L.): 381-384
The Financial Situation. New Impressions (Noyes, Alexander Dana): 385-adv90
Overseas Trade. Immediate Trade Opportunities in South America (Parker, Challen R.): 387-adv103
Back Advertisements: adv41-F
Front Advertisement: adv2-adv40
Peace Envoys on Board the Mayflower, August 5, 1905: Frontispiece-Frontispiece
Theodore Roosevelt and His Time: Shown in His Own Letters. Roosevelt--Peacemaker. I (Roosevelt, Theodore): 257-275
The Head-Hunters of Borneo (Lumhotlz, Carl): 276-286
Talks with Four Monarchs: Passages from the Diary of George von Lengerke Meyer (Meyer, George von Lengerke): 287-296
The Talisman (Brown, Katharine Holland): 297-305
Portrait of a Lady (Cleghorn, Sarah N.): 306-307
The Heads of the Mountain (Desmond, Shaw): 308-313
Armistice Days in Paris (Waddington, Mary King): 314-324
In Morocco. Fez. III (Wharton, Edith): 324-340
"Wade in, Sanitary!": The Story of a Division Surgeon in France (Derby, Richard): 341-345
The Call of the Gods (Rivers, Stuart): 346-359
Transmutation (Jennings, Leslie Nelson): 359-359
A Hill-town of Old Castile (Peixotto, Ernest C.): 360-366
The Fakir (Curtiss, Philip): 367-377
The Point of View: 378-380
The Field of Art. Talfourd--The Artist of the Brownings (Johnston, Eliza L.): 381-384
The Financial Situation. New Impressions (Noyes, Alexander Dana): 385-adv90
Overseas Trade. Immediate Trade Opportunities in South America (Parker, Challen R.): 387-adv103
Back Advertisements: adv41-F