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1911 — 1917
Vol. 1, No. 4
Seltzer, Thomas (editor)
New York: The Masses Publishing Co., 1911-04-01 20 p.; 34.5 x 27.5 cm.
Vol. 1, No. 4
Seltzer, Thomas (editor)
New York: The Masses Publishing Co., 1911-04-01 20 p.; 34.5 x 27.5 cm.
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Editorial Advertisements: 2-2
Contents: 2-2
Editorials (Seltzer, Thomas): 3-3
Frontispiece: Victor L. Berger—The First Socialist in Congress: 4-4
Awakening the Tiger. I (England, George Allan): 5-6
The First Socialist Congressman: Victor L. Berger—Man of Action, Idealist, Socialist, Propagandist, and Politician (Larric, J. B.): 7-7
The Cussedness of Things in General (Wood, Eugene): 8-9
Book Review: 'Adventure' by Jack London: 9-9
Magazines, Morgan and Muckraking (Jones, Ellis O.): 10-10
Iolanthe's Wedding. III (Sudermann, Hermann): 11-12
Cartoon. Blood Hounds of the Slave Masters—1860; Cossacks of the Capitalists—1911 (Young, Art): 12-12
Revolutionary Mexico. The Fighting Parties in Mexico. II (De Fornaro, Carlo): 13-14
City Vignettes. Solidarity. III (Björkman, Edwin): 14-14
Workingmen's Compensation (Ghent, W. J.): 15-15
War against War: 15-15
The Immorality of Bernard Shaw (Björkman, Edwin): 16-16
What Are 'Limited Goods' (Winslow, Horatio): 17-18
The Tryst (Updegraff, Allan): 17-17
Cartoon. Convincing Arguments of Civilization (Nutting, Wm. Washburn): 18-18
Back Advertisements: 18-20
Contents: 2-2
Editorials (Seltzer, Thomas): 3-3
Frontispiece: Victor L. Berger—The First Socialist in Congress: 4-4
Awakening the Tiger. I (England, George Allan): 5-6
The First Socialist Congressman: Victor L. Berger—Man of Action, Idealist, Socialist, Propagandist, and Politician (Larric, J. B.): 7-7
The Cussedness of Things in General (Wood, Eugene): 8-9
Book Review: 'Adventure' by Jack London: 9-9
Magazines, Morgan and Muckraking (Jones, Ellis O.): 10-10
Iolanthe's Wedding. III (Sudermann, Hermann): 11-12
Cartoon. Blood Hounds of the Slave Masters—1860; Cossacks of the Capitalists—1911 (Young, Art): 12-12
Revolutionary Mexico. The Fighting Parties in Mexico. II (De Fornaro, Carlo): 13-14
City Vignettes. Solidarity. III (Björkman, Edwin): 14-14
Workingmen's Compensation (Ghent, W. J.): 15-15
War against War: 15-15
The Immorality of Bernard Shaw (Björkman, Edwin): 16-16
What Are 'Limited Goods' (Winslow, Horatio): 17-18
The Tryst (Updegraff, Allan): 17-17
Cartoon. Convincing Arguments of Civilization (Nutting, Wm. Washburn): 18-18
Back Advertisements: 18-20