Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand (Jan) (1874-1966)
by Scholes, Robert
Cossaar, Jacobus Cornelis Wyand (Jan) (1874 – 1966)
He was born in Amsterdam and studied art in the National Academy in that city, and later continued his studies in London and Paris. A painter of churches interiors and public places, he lived in London from 1901 to 1906, and again in1909, before moving back to Holland, where he died in The Hague. While in England he painted Trafalgar Square. Back in The Hague he taught drawing and joined a number of groups, such as “Pulchri Studio”, “Haagse Kunstkring” and “Arti et Amicitiae”. Some of his art works are in the “Rijkscollectie” (National Collection).