Gozzoli, Benozzo (1420-1497) by Scholes, Robert

Benozzo Gozzoli (1420 – 1497) Born Benozzo di Lese di Sandro in Florence, he studied there with Fra Angelico and later painted frescoes for Lorenzo di Medici. In 1913 Richard Aldington visited Florence and wrote a Letter from Italy for , in which he observed, “The Pitti and the Uffizi were shut while I was at Firenze, but the Gozzoti [sic] at the Capelle Medici is the sort of picture one returns to think of with pleasure. A man shows it you with a lamp on a pole. In one corner is a portrait of Pico della Mirandola and one of Angelus Politianus. Also the Magnificent Lorenzo on a horse. This was that Lorenzo who founded the library and whose munificence made glad the days of so many scholars, artists and philosophers. Would he were alive now! He once said he patronized the arts because he would be remembered by it. Ecco, Lorenzo! Thus I pay the debt of Ficino, Politianus and the rest.” The New Age NA 12.16:386

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