Guérin, Charles François Prosper (1875-1939) by Scholes, Robert

Charles François Prosper Guérin (1875-1939) He was born in Sens, France, and became a student of at l’École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Not exactly a member of any school, he is distinctly post-impressionist in his work. In for April 21, 1910 , Huntly Carter wrote of his work in a show at the Grafton Galleries: “Another spectator will be attracted by the daring extravagance of C. Guerin, who shows how the strongest primary colours can be used without crudity, and whose work has a decorative value which the average muddy and colourless work of our day does not possess.” This show, seldom noted in our art histories, was an important precursor of the famous post-impressionist exhibition held in November of that year. Gustave Moreau The New Age (NA 6.25:595)

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