Chronology from the Käthe Kollwitz Museum in Berlin:
1867 born on July 8th in Konigsberg, East Prussia
1885-90 studies with Stauffer-Bern (Berlin) and with Herterich (Munich)
1890 first etchings
1891 marries Dr. Karl Kollwitz who settles in a working class area of north Berlin
1892 son Hans is born
1896 son Peter is born
1898 the graphic cycle The Weavers’ Rebellion is shown at the Große Berliner Kunstausstellung
1898-1903 teaches at the Berlin School of Women Artists
1902-08 works on the series Peasant War
1904 visits Paris, meets with Rodin and Steinlen
1907 spends one year in Florence (Villa Romana Prize)
1910 first attempts with sculpture
1914 son Peter falls in Flanders
1917 fiftieth birthday exhibition at Paul Cassirer’s in Berlin
1919 becomes a member of the Prussian Academy of Art
1919/20 works on a commemorating woodcut dedicated to Karl Liebknecht, a revolutionary socialist, assassinated in 1919
1922/25 woodcut series War and Proletariat
1927 journey to Moscow
1928 head of the Master Class for the Graphic Arts at the Academy
1932 dedication of the war memorial The Parents at the military cemetery in Vladsloo, Flanders
1933 Hitler comes to power; after resignation from the Prussian Academy of Art Kollwitz looses her position as head of the Master Class for the Graphic Arts
1934/35 cycle of eight Lithographs titled Death
1936 is not allowed to exhibit anymore; her works are removed from museums and galleries
1940 Karl Kollwitz dies
1943/44 evacuated to Nordhausen; moves to Moritzburg´near Dresden upon invitation of Prince Ernst Heinrich of Saxony
1945 dies on April 22nd in Moritzburg shortly before the end of the war.
Information about her and images of her work are widely available on the World Wide Web.

Death, Mother, and Child (1910)
— Kollwitz, Käthe

In Memory of Karl Liebknecht, 1919/20
— Kollwitz, Käthe

Prisoners (1908)
— Kollwitz, Käthe

Self Portrait of Kathe Kollwitz (old)
— Kollwitz, Kathe

Self Portrait of Kathe Kollwitz (young)
— Kollwitz, Kathe

The March of the Weavers (1897)
— Kollwitz, Käthe