Krop, Hildo (1884-1970)
by Scholes, Robert
Hildo Krop (1884 – 1970) The following sketch comes from the Union List of Artist’s Names Online: Hildo Krop worked as a ceramicist for NV Eerste Steenwijker Kunst-Aardwerk Fabriek (ESKAF), Steenwijk, Netherlands, from 1918 to 1924. Studied at the Rijksacademie in Amsterdam under Bart van Hove 1908-1911 and the Kunstgewerbeschule in Berlin, 1911-1912. Returned to Amsterdam in 1914 after visiting Rome and Paris, and assisted H.A. van den Eijnde in the execution of the sculpture for the famous Scheepvaarthius. Thereafter, he worked for the city of Amsterdam, making sculptures for bridges and buildings, war memorials, and grave monuments in an expressionistic style.