Luce, Maximilien (1858-1941) by Scholes, Robert

Maximilien Luce (1858 – 1941) He was born in Paris, where hs studied to be a wood carver at the Ecole des Arts Décoratifs. In 1872 he began to study engraving, moving to the workshop of the engraver Eugène Froment in 1876. During his military service and afterwards, he studied at the Académie Suisse and the studio of Carolus-Duran at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. In the 1880s he met , , and , who were experimenting with pointillism and involved in anarchist politics. He joined their group, and in 1894 he became involved in the Trial of the Thirty and served a short term of imprisonment. In 1934, Maximilien Luce was elected President of the Société des Artistes Indépendants after Signac’s retirement, but soon resigned in a protest against the society’s policy to restrict the admission of Jewish artists. Camille Pissarro Georges Seurat Paul Signac

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