Monticelli, Adolphe (1824-1886) by Scholes, Robert

Adolphe Monticelli (1824 – 1886) From 1842 to 1846 Adolphe-Joseph-Thomas Monticelli studied painting at the École Municipale de Dessin in Marseilles, then directed by Émile Loubon, who encouraged his students to paint directly from nature. Monticelli moved to Paris in 1846 and entered the École des Beaux-Arts under Delaroche For the rest of his life he lived mainly either in Paris or Marseilles. He painted fashionable portraits in a traditional manner and landscapes that were influenced by newer modes of painting. In these he experimented with thick impasto. When he was living in the south, he sometimes painted with . admired Monticelli’s later landscapes, which he saw in Paris in 1886. Cézanne Van Gogh G. R. S. T. Taylor praised his Fête-Champêtre in , , as a work “which throws as much on the imagination as most minds can bear.” The New Age (NA 4.21:428)

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