Sullivan, Edmund Joseph (1869-1933) by Scholes, Robert

Edmund Joseph Sullivan (1869 – 1933) He grew up in Hastings, being taught drawing by his father Michael Sullivan, an art teacher. He came to London to work for the new , which appeared for the first time in 1890. Subsequently, he worked on various magazines including the and , where he met Frances Louise Williams, whom he later married. Daily Graphic English Illustrated Magazine The Pall Mall Budget Sullivan illustrated upwards of 20 books, most notably , , , all in 1896, a much-admired by Carlyle in 1898, Tennyson’s in 1900, and a two volume in 1901. Of his later work, (1913) is the most impressive. He also wrote two books on illustration in the 1920s. Lavengro Tom Brown’s Schooldays The Compleat Angler Sartor Resartus A Dream of Fair Women Pilgrim’s Progress The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Apart from illustration, Sullivan was a watercolourist, etcher and teacher.

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