Troubetzkoy, Paul (1866-1938) by Scholes, Robert

Paul Troubetzkoy (1866 – 1938) He was born in Italy, the son of a Russian nobleman and an American woman. In 1884 he was working under various Italian sculptors in Milan, but by the following year, he had his own studio. The next year, 1886, Troubetzkoy exhibited his work in Italy, France and the United States.He moved to Moscow in 1887, where he taught at the Moscow College until 1906. He also spent some time living in St. Petersburg. Then Troubetzkoy left Russia to live in Paris from 1906 to 1914. From there he visited Italy, Russia, England, and the United States. During those years, he spent time at Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy’s estate, where he did a number of drawings and busts of Tolstoy. He was noted as a portrait scuptor, and did well known portraits of G. B. Shaw and the young F. D. Roosevelt.

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