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1911 — 1913
Vol. 2, No. 14
Murry, John Middleton, 1889-1957 (editor)
London: Martin Secker, 1913-03-01 74 p.; 24.2 x 18.3 cm.
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Contents Contents: B-B
Front Advertisements: C-D
Prologue to the Argive Women: Odysseus before the House of Paris (Hewlett, Maurice): 437-439
The Little Town (Beresford, J. D.): 440-445
The Mocking Fairy (de la Mare, Walter): 446-446
Chloe (Rothenstein, Albert): 447-447
From a Japanese Ink-Slab. Part II (Noguchi, Yone): 449-452
Sea Song (Mansfield, Katherine): 453-454
The Clown (Kellermann, Bernard): 455-469
Drawing (Ihlee, R.): 461-461
Drawing (Fergusson, J. D.): 470-470
There Was a Child Once (Petrovsky, Boris): 471-471
Stupid Old Death (Crossthwaite, Arthur): 472-472
Max and Moritz and Some Others (Cannan, Gilbert): 473-474
A Design (Lees, Derwent): 475-475
The Galleries. Lovat Fraser (Sadler, Michael T. H.): 477-478
The Galleries. Vladimir Polunin (Sadler, Michael T. H.): 478-478
Designs from the Russian Ballet. Spectre de la Rose. I (Rice, Anne Estelle): 479-479
Designs from the Russian Ballet. Schéhérazade. II (Rice, Anne Estelle): 480-480
Designs from the Russian Ballet. Schéhérazade. III (Rice, Anne Estelle): 481-481
Designs from the Russian Ballet. Thamar. IV (Rice, Anne Estelle): 482-482
Designs from the Russian Ballet. L'Apres-midi d'un Faune. V (Rice, Anne Estelle): 483-483
Book Review. 'Jelf's, A Comedy in Four Acts' by H. A. Vachell (F. G.): 484-485
Book Review. 'The Vigil of Venus and Other Poems' by Q. (A. H. J.): 485-486
Book Review. 'John Millington Synge' by Francis Bickley (G. C.): 486-486
Book Review. 'Poems of Love and Earth' by John Drinkwater (D. W.): 487-487
Book Review. 'This and That and the Other' by H. Belloc (R. B.): 487-487
Back Advertisements: 488-488
Literary Supplement. March 1913: xvii-xxxii
The Georgian Renaissance: Review of 'Georgian Poetry' edited by E. M. (Lawrence, D. H.): xvii-xx
Anton Tchekoff: Book Review of 'Two Plays by Tchekoff' translated by George Calderon and 'Plays by Anton Tchekoff' translated by Marian Fell (Cannan, Gilbert): xx-xxiii
The Influence of Baudelaire: Book Review of 'The Influence of Baudelaire in France and England' by G. Turquet-Milnes (Murry, J. Middleton): xxiii-xxvii
The Canadian Kipling: Book Review of 'Rhymes of a Rolling Stone' by Robert W. Service (Goodyear, Frederick): xxvii-xxix
Max Beerbohm's Parodies: Book Review of 'A Christmas Garland' woven by Max Beerbohm (Curle, Richard): xxix-xxx
Literary Supplement Advertisements: xxxi-xxxii
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