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1907 — 1928
Volume 4, Number 20

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1909-03-11
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Contents Notes of the Week: 393-395
On the Brink (Stanhope of Chester): 396-396
Studies in the Poor Law: 397-397
Are Women Anarchists? (Tina, Beatrice): 398-398
Unedited Opinions. X.--A Mystical Interlude (Orage, A. R.): 399-399
The Big Battalion (Thomas, Edward): 400-401
To All Children (Rogers, H. Lionel): 401-401
The First Impulse (Lemaitre, Jules): 402-402
The First Impulse (Morse, E.): 402-402
The Defeat of Charles Murray (Chesterton, Cecil): 403-404
Books and Persons (Tonson, Jacob): 404-406
Book of the Week. Review of 'New Light on Ancient Eqypt' by G. Maspero (Eder, M. D.): 406-407
Recent Music. Creme de Menthe and Mignonette (Hughes, Herbert): 408-408
Correspondence. Peace or War? (Radford, Ernest): 408-410
Correspondence. At It Again! (Bax, E. Belfort): 410-410
Correspondence. Pugh V. Chesterton (Davis, G. Herbert): 410-410
Correspondence. A Bastard Patriotism (Cameron, Angus J.): 410-411
Correspondence. A Bastard Patriotism (Harter, Ethel M.): 411-411
Correspondence. A Bastard Patriotism (Duxmia): 411-411
Correspondence. A Bastard Patriotism (X.): 411-411
Correspondence. Women's Economic Independence League (Farr, Florence): 411-411
Correspondence. Liberals and Unemployment (Eder, M. D.): 411-411
advertisements: 397-412
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