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1907 — 1928
Volume 4, Number 21

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1909-03-18
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Contents Notes of the Week: 413-416
Civil Liberty in India (Norman, C. H.): 417-417
Studies in the Poor Law. II. The Breaking up on the Poor Law: 418-418
A Debate on Socialism (Belloc, Hilaire): 419-421
A Debate on Socialism (Chesterton, Cecil): 419-421
A Debate on Socialism (Chesterton, G. K.): 419-421
A Debate on Socialism (Shaw, George Bernard): 419-421
Yesterdays (Das, B. K.): 421-421
Not Officially Reported (Haigh, Richmond): 422-423
Books and Persons (Tonson, Jacob): 423-424
Book of the Week. Review of 'The Soul of Spain' by Havelock Ellis (Eder, M. D.): 424-425
Drama. Four Plays (Chesterton, Cecil): 425-427
Art. Fair Women and Others (Taylor, G. R. S.): 427-428
Recent Music. Elektra, and other things (Hughes, Herbert): 428-428
Correspondence. What Does It All Mean? (Chesterton, Cecil): 428-430
Correspondence. What Does It All Mean? (Tina, Beatrice): 430-430
Correspondence. Let Victor Grayson Look Out! (Hartley, Edward (Alderman)): 430-430
Corresondence. A Lukewarm Suffragist (Adult Suffrage): 430-431
Correspondence. Swansea School Dispute (Member of the Fabian Nursery, A): 431-431
Correspondence. Do Socialists Need An Imperial Policy? (Fox, John T.): 431-431
Correspondence. Weber and Debussy (Bottomley, Gordon): 431-431
Correspondence. Clergy in Parliament (Adderley, James): 431-431
Correspondence. Dr. Wallace's Scheme for Unemployment (Loesch, F. O.): 431-431
advertisements: 417-432
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