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1907 — 1928
Volume 5, Number 20

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1909-09-09
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Contents Notes of the Week: 357-358
Eugenics and Human Sacrifice (Eder, M. D.): 359-360
The Church and the Theatre (Poel, William): 360-360
British East Africa (Mombasa): 361-362
Social Democracy and Foreign Policy (Norman, C. H.): 362-362
Is the Vote Lost? (Nelson, Muriel): 363-363
A Story of the Future (Niven, Frederick): 364-365
Books and Persons (Tonson, Jacob): 366-367
advertisements: 366-369
Book of the Week (Carpenter, Edward): 367-368
"Woman's Suffrage--A Lost Cause?" (Ward, M. M. A.): 368-369
Correspondence: 368-371
To the Editor of "The New Age" (Roberts, Harry): 369-369
Carnegie at Home and Abroad (J. C. R.): 369-370
A Case in India (Browne, Maurice): 370-370
A Case in India (Ed. N. A.): 370-370
Socialism and Vivisection (Paget, Stephen (Hon. Secretary, Research Defence Society)): 370-370
To the Editor of "The New Age" (Onslow, M.): 370-371
Eugenics (Coomaraswamy, A. K. (D.Sc.)): 371-371
Christian Science (Dixon, Frederick): 371-371
A Humane Government (Pitt, Douglas Fox): 371-371
"The Missionary" (Robson, G. B.): 371-371
advertisements: 371-372
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