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1907 — 1928
Volume 5, Number 27

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1909-10-28
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Contents Notes of the Week: 469-470
"Long Live Ferrer!" (Norman, C. H.): 471-471
Art and Taxation (Sparrow, Walter Shaw): 472-472
advertisements: 472-472
Ferrer's Funeral Hymn (Lazarus, John): 473-473
The Real Triumph of the Militants (Shallard, S. D.): 473-473
An Awakening (Burlingham, F. H. (ex-assassin)): 474-474
The Many and the Few (Shore, W. Teignmouth,): 474-475
To Leopold (Visiak, E. H.): 475-475
Open Letter to Sir Conan Doyle (Man in the Street, A): 475-475
Harvest Thanksgiving (Bagman, Holbein): 475-476
Books and Persons (Tonson, Jacob): 477-477
Book of the Week (Kennedy, J. M.): 477-478
Reviews: 478-480
advertisements: 478-484
Drama (Dukes, Ashley): 480-481
Recent Music (Hughes, Herbert): 481-482
"The New Age, Sex and Suffrage" (Roberts, J. Drew): 482-482
"Note on 'La Foi,' A" (Hulme, T. E.): 482-483
Correspondence: 482-483
Advanced Inconsistency (Chappell, Jas.): 483-483
Wanted: A Socialist Daily! (Wachter, A. E.): 483-483
Special Notice (New Age Press, Ltd.): 483-483
book cover: 484-484
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