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1907 — 1928
Volume 6, Number 5

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1909-12-02
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Contents The Everlasting Paradox (Campbell, John): 97-97
Notes of the Week: 98-99
Foreign Affairs (Stanhope of Chester): 100-100
A Future for the House of Lords (Dyce, O. W.): 101-101
In Camera (Nelson, Muriel): 102-102
M. Aristide Briand and the Revolutionary Societies (Houghton, Margaret): 102-103
The Art of Home-Making (Sparrow, Walter Shaw): 104-105
A Continental Trip (Kennedy, Bart): 105-105
"Christ": An Interpretation (Upward, Allen): 106-107
Searchers After Reality (Hulme, T. E.): 107-108
The Passing Dispensation (Benjamin, Judah P.): 109-110
A Dream (Marks, Alfred): 110-110
Books and Persons (Tonson, Jacob): 111-111
Book of the Week (Eder, M. D.): 112-113
The Magazines: 113-113
Drama (Randall, Alfred E.): 113-114
Art (Carter, Huntly): 114-116
Insurance Notes (Collecting Friendly Societies): 116-118
advertisements: 117-117
The Results of Conscription in Germany (Eder, M. D.): 118-118
To the Editor of "The New Age" (Field, W. R.): 118-118
The Passing Dispensation (Gugenheim, Th.): 118-118
Women's Suffrage (Jacobs, Eleanor): 118-118
Beresford and Portsmouth (Socialist R. N.): 118-118
Correspondence: 118-118
advertisements: 119-120
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