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1907 — 1928
Volume 6, Number 15

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1910-02-10
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Contents The Camel and the Needle's Eye (Curtis, Dora): 337-337
Notes of the Week: 338-340
Foreign Affairs ("Stanhope of Chester"): 341-341
The New Party: 342-342
Military Debate in the Reichstag (Askew, J. B.): 343-343
The Sociologist upon the Streets (Geddes, Partrick): 343-344
The Whys of the W. S. P. U. (Triformis, D.): 344-346
Stevenson Revived (Mysterynstead): 347-348
Ballads of Hecate: 348-348
Rabelais Socialist (M.): 348-348
The Order of the Seraphim (Upward, Allen): 349-350
Stephane Mallarme (Grierson, Francis): 351-352
Books and Persons (Tonson, Jacob): 353-354
Shakespeare's Women (Randall, Alfred E.): 354-355
Ghazal (Hastings, Beatrice): 355-355
Art (Carter, Huntly): 355-356
Insurance Notes: 356-356
The Home of the Humming Beetles (P., Count de): 356-357
Correspondence: 356-358
Jottings from a Note-Book in India (Looker-On, A): 357-357
The Future of Socialism (Adderley, James): 357-358
To the Editor of "The New Age" (B. L.): 358-358
"On Capital Punishment" (Blake, Brandon): 358-358
Secular Education in France (Fairhall, E. J.): 358-358
University Intelligence (L.): 358-358
advertisements: 359-360
Bibliographies of Modern Authors: 360-360
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