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1907 — 1928
Volume 9, Number 14

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1911-08-03
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Contents Notes of the Week: 313-314
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 315-315
The New Revolution (Wilkinson, Kosmo): 316-316
The Decline and Fall of the Labour Party (Chesterton, Cecil): 316-317
Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and Portugal (Cunha, V. de Braganza): 318-318
Pages from a Book of Swells (Escott, T. H. S.): 318-319
Tory Democracy (Kennedy, J. M.): 320-320
The Don in Arcadia (Abbott, C. F.): 321-323
Letters From Abroad (Carter, Huntly): 323-324
Society (Bernard, S.): 324-324
An Ethiopian Saga (Haigh, Richmond): 325-327
Books and Persons (Tonson, Jacob): 327-328
Bax on Bergson (Hulme, T. E.): 328-331
A Fragment (Nadson, S. J.): 331-331
A Fragment (Selver, P.): 331-331
The Sort of Prose-Articles Modern Prose-Writers Write (Squire, J. Collings): 331-332
To the People (Pitter, Ruth.): 332-332
The Insurance Bill (Norton, Henry H.): 332-333
Letters to the Editor: 332-335
Socialism and Communism (Bax, E. Belfort): 333-333
The Declaration of London (Kennedy, W. S.): 333-333
Overtime (Socialist Employer): 333-333
The Insurance Bill (Wilson, G. W.): 333-333
"The Crisis in Literature" (Fisher, Harold): 333-334
Mr. Masefield's "Nan" (Dukes, Ashley): 334-334
"The Last Straw" (Kennedy, J. M.): 334-334
Society as an Organism (Schloesser, Henry H.): 334-334
"The Last Straw" (Sinclair, Upton): 334-334
Mr. Masefield's "Nan" (Wareing, Alfred): 334-334
A Gene-Alogical Question (Antidote, S. Montague): 335-335
Christian Science (Dixon, Frederick): 335-335
A Friendly Letter (Radford, Ernest): 335-335
advertisements: 336-336
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