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1907 — 1928
Volume 10, Number 20

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1912-03-14
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Contents Notes of the Week: 457-462
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 462-462
The Yelp of the Merchant Service (McFee, William.): 463-464
"Our Useless Prisons" ("Treb."): 464-465
The Bubble of Eugenics (Harris, G.W.): 465-465
Wine of the West (Henry, H. H.): 465-465
Eupeptic Politicians (Kennedy, J. M.): 466-466
Art and Drama in Dusseldorf and Berlin (Carter, Huntly): 467-467
Giorgione S. Silvestre (Sickert, Walter): 468-468
An Affair of Honour (Eric, Carl): 469-470
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 471-471
A Noteworthy Book (Bax, E. Belfort): 472-472
Reviews: 473-474
Leap Year Day (Bechhöfer, C. E.): 475-475
Pastiche: 475-475
From a Notts Miner (Notts Miner, A): 475-476
Letters to the Editor: 475-479
Co-partnership and "The New Age" (Cook, E. Wake): 476-476
The Coal Strike (Pitt, Douglas Fox): 476-476
"Finance and the People" (Thorn, Arthur F.): 476-476
"In the Name of the Nation" (Watters, A. H.): 476-476
Capital Punishment (Tilly, J. Frederick): 477-477
Property and Land (Donisthorpe, Wordsworth): 477-478
The "Blindness" of Virtue (Hamilton, Cosmo): 478-478
Innocence of Virtua (Q.): 478-478
France and the French ("Exile, An"): 478-479
The Rights of the Individual (Bechhöfer, C. E.): 479-479
The Crisis in England and the Administration of Justive (Norman, C. H.): 479-479
The Works of Whistler (Sickert, Walter): 479-479
France and the French (Subscriber, A): 479-479
Mr. F. E. Smith (Titt, Tom): 480-480
advertisements: 480-480
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