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1907 — 1928
Volume 16, Number 3

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1914-11-19
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Contents Notes of the Week: 57-59
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 59-60
Military Notes (Romney): 61-61
Freedom in the Guild (Cole, G.D.H.): 61-63
What Next! (Pickthall, Marmaduke): 63-64
An Interview with the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Soldier, A): 64-65
Guild Principles and the War (S.G.H.): 65-67
British Music Versus German Music (Holbrooke, Joseph): 68-68
Readers and Writers (R.H.C.): 69-70
Impressions of Paris (Morning, Alice): 70-71
Views and Reviews (A.E.R.): 71-72
Current Cant.: 72-72
Pastiche: 73-73
Christ of the Battles (Thorn, Arthur F.): 73-73
Parnassus (Selver, P.): 73-73
Land of Cursed Slavery; The Wage-Slaves' Groan (Davis, Cyril S.): 73-73
Englishmen in Germany: An Appeal: 74-74
German Kultur (Fenwick, Harvey L.): 74-75
Letters to the Editor: 74-79
Quod Scripsi, Scripsi (Fairplay): 75-75
The Atrocities (Law, Herbert): 75-76
The "Spectator" or "Jugend" and Hate (Marshall, Beatrice): 76-76
Compulsion: 76-77
Compulsion (Murray, J.L.): 77-77
Compulsion (Dillon, Frederick): 77-78
Compulsion (Bonner, John H.): 78-78
"The" "New Age" (Halkett, George R.): 78-78
"The" "New Age" (Molony, J.): 78-79
"The" "New Age" (King, Beatrice I.): 79-79
Nietzsche (Levy, Oscar): 79-79
Vernaeren (Sadler, M.T.H.): 79-79
British Music (Legge, Robin H.): 79-79
George Sterling (Malloch, G.R.): 79-79
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