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1907 — 1928
Volume 16, Number 12

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1915-01-21
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Contents Notes of the Week: 297-300
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 300-301
Military Notes (Romney): 301-301
A Jig (Gay, Christopher): 301-301
Letters to a Trade Unionist (Kenney, Rowland): 302-302
England and Germany: Two Types of Culture (Maetzu, Ramiro de): 303-304
Pan-Islamism as a British Policy (Pickthall, Marmaduke): 304-305
Nationalism and the Guilds (Brown, I.J.C.): 305-306
The Hyphenated States of America (E.A.B.): 307-308
Impressions of Paris (Morning, Alice): 308-309
Extracts from "The Maily Scratch" (Marshall, Beatrice): 310-310
Affirmations: Jacob Epstein (Pound, Ezra): 311-312
Readers and Writers (R.H.C.): 313-314
Letters from Russia (Bechhöfer, C.E.): 314-315
From Montecute to Gilgil (Powys, Llewelyn): 315-316
Views and Reviews (A.E.R.): 316-317
The New Age of Painting (Wright, Willard Huntington): 317-319
Pastiche: 320-320
Business as Usual! (T.B.S.): 320-320
Reflections on the War (R.M.): 320-320
Khaki Boys, Attention! (Steeksma, J.): 320-320
A Ballade of Insular Opinion (L'Hibou): 320-320
Current Cant: 321-321
Secret Diplomacy and the Condemned Schools (Adams, M. Bridges): 321-322
Letters to the Editor: 321-327
Foreign Policy (Welsh, Laurence): 322-322
The Balance of Power (Stone, Jane): 322-322
Lord Curzon on Pledges (Hossain, Syud): 322-323
Democracy (H.): 323-323
Women and War (D.Q.): 323-323
Women and War (One of the Half-Thinking Beings): 323-323
Women and War (E.C.): 323-324
American Opinion (Fenwick, Harvey L.): 324-324
American Opinion (Steve): 324-325
Russian Culture (Selver, P.): 325-325
A Theatrical Guild (Mime): 325-326
The Meaning of Words (Babelophobe): 326-326
The C.O.S. (Jameson, E.P.): 326-326
Theology in Extremis (Harrison, Harold B.): 326-327
Vorticism (Riddle, John): 327-327
Enteric (Kidd, Beatrice E.): 327-327
Nietzsche or Christ (W.H.): 327-327
The Poetry of George Sterling (Hereward, Max): 327-327
New Myths (Aldington, Richard): 327-327
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