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1907 — 1928
Volume 18, Number 7

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1915-12-16
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Contents Notes of the Week: 145-147
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 148-149
War Notes (Staffs, North): 149-151
Holland and the World War (de Veer, W.): 151-153
Armenian Atrocities (Pickthall, Marmaduke): 153-155
Letters About Russia (Bechhöfer, C. E.): 155-156
At Midnight (Nietzsche): 156-156
Star Moral (Nietzsche): 156-156
Third Change of Skin (Nietzsche): 156-156
At Midnight (Selver, P.): 156-156
Star Moral (Selver, P.): 156-156
Third Change of Skin (Selver, P.): 156-156
Three Poems by Nietzsche (Selver, P.): 156-156
Drama (Hope, John Francis): 156-157
Readers and Writers (R. H. C.): 157-158
A Notebook (T. E. H.): 158-160
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 160-161
Reviews: 161-162
Rondeaux of Charles D'Orleans (d'Orléans, Charles): 163-163
The Dead Fay (Pitter, Ruth): 163-163
Rondeaux of Charles D'Orleans (Barkas, Pallister): 163-163
Pastiche: 163-163
Reflections (L. M. S.): 163-163
The Armenian Massacres (Dixon-Johnson, C. F.): 164-164
The Armenian Massacres (Pit, Douglas Fox): 164-164
Current Cant: 164-164
Practical Economics (Student of Economics, A): 164-165
Letters to the Editor: 164-167
War Notes (Dalby, Joseph): 165-165
Letters About Russia (Tchitcherine, G.): 165-165
War Notes (W. R.): 165-165
War Notes (Rudd, S. H.): 165-166
War Notes (Dickinson, R. E.): 166-166
Women in Industry (Emery, H. M.): 166-166
Who is Responsible? (Haigh, E. Agnes R.): 166-166
War Notes (Norman, C. H.): 166-166
Late Mr. G. W. Foote (Neuberg, Victor B.): 166-167
Current Cant (Neill, A. S.): 167-167
National Guildsmen (Sigerson, Selm): 167-167
Press Cuttings: 168-168
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