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1907 — 1928
Volume 19, Number 22

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1916-09-28
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Contents Notes of the Week: 505-507
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 508-508
Fiat Lux (Verax): 509-510
A Visit to the Front (Maeztu, Ramiro de): 510-511
Social Organisation for the War (Arnold, Edward V.): 512-514
The Emancipation of the Jews and the Conquest of Palestine (Rappoport, Angelo S.): 514-515
Drama (Hope, John Francis): 516-516
Readers and Writers (R. H. C.): 517-517
Letters from France (Carter, Huntly): 518-518
Germanism and the Human Mind (Lasserre, Pierre): 519-521
Germanism and the Human Mind (Rothwell, Fred): 519-521
Tales of To-day (Bechhofer, C. E.): 521-522
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 522-523
Reviews: 523-523
Ballade (C. S. D.): 524-524
Envoi (C. S. D.): 524-524
Eating His Words (Selver, P.): 524-525
Eating His Words (Teffi): 524-525
Pastiche: 524-525
Religion (X.): 525-525
Home Letters from German Soldiers (Selver, P.): 525-526
The Skilled Salariat (Johnson, Jeremiah): 526-526
Post-War Problems (T. G. K.): 526-526
South Africa (Word to the Wise): 526-527
Letters to the Editor: 526-527
Good Old "Punch"! (Bipp): 527-527
Laughter in the Trenches (Biss, Gladys F.): 527-527
Regionalism (Carter, Huntly): 527-527
V. C. and £ S. D. (G. W.): 527-527
The New Drama (W. K.): 527-527
Press Cuttings: 528-528
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