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1907 — 1928
Volume 21, Number 10

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1917-07-05
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Contents Notes of the Week: 217-220
Expectation (Alcock, J. A. M.): 220-220
The Majority German Socialists at Stockholm (R. M. (commentary)): 221-223
The Majority German Socialists at Stockholm: 221-223
Liberty and Pleasure (Maeztu, Ramiro de): 223-225
Out of School (Richmond, Kenneth): 225-226
Drama (Hope, John Francis): 226-226
Readers and Writers (R. H. C.): 227-228
Potatoes £100 Each! (Gilbert, Bernard): 228-229
A Modern Prose Anthology. Mr. G. K. Ch-st-rt-n. VI (Harrison, R.): 229-230
Interviews (Bechhofer, C. E.): 230-231
We Moderns (Moore, Edward): 231-232
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 232-233
Reviews: 233-234
A Hymn to France (Andrews, Francis): 234-234
Industrial Councils and the Wage System (Lovett, H. W.): 234-234
Pastiche: 234-234
The Seamen's Ban (Diaconus): 234-235
Letters to the Editor: 234-235
St. Charles I (Harrison, Harold B.): 235-235
Memoranda: 235-235
Press Cuttings: 236-236
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