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1907 — 1928
Volume 23, Number 25

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1918-10-17
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Contents Notes of the Week: 389-392
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 392-392
The Neo-Marxians and the Materialist Conception of History (Penty, Arthur J.): 393-394
The Workshop (S. G. H.): 394-395
Music (Atheling, William): 395-396
A Discovery (Triboulet): 396-396
Readers and Writers (R. H. C.): 397-398
Memories of Old Jerusalem (Baldensperger, Ph. J.): 398-400
Memories of Old Jerusalem (Pickthall, Marmaduke): 398-400
Art Notes (Dias, B. H.): 400-401
Recent Verse (Maguire, Stephen): 401-401
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 402-402
National Kitchens (Truly Thankful): 403-403
Letter to the Editor: 403-403
Reviews: 403-403
Busy Days in the Business Government (Gleeson, J. D.): 404-404
Remembrance (Hogben, Laurence): 404-404
Pastiche: 404-404
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