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1907 — 1928
Volume 23, Number 27

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1918-10-31
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Contents Notes of the Week: 421-423
Two Books on National Guilds (S. G. H.): 424-425
On the Reorganisation of University Education (Robieson, M. W.): 425-428
Music (Atheling, William): 428-429
Readers and Writers (R. H. C.): 429-430
Memories of Old Jerusalem (Baldensperger, Ph. J.): 430-432
Memories of Old Jerusalem (Pickthall, Marmaduke): 430-432
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 432-433
German Democracy (Eckersley, Arthur): 433-433
German Democracy (Guildsman): 433-433
University Education (Townshend, E.): 433-434
Letters to the Editor: 433-435
Fighting or Killing (Demant, V. Auguste): 434-434
Tcheko-Slovakia (A. P. L.): 434-435
The Indian Caste (Aiyer, N. Subramhaiya): 435-435
"The Yellow Book" (Mayne, Ethel colburn): 435-435
Twopence (Artifiglio): 436-436
There! (H. T.): 436-436
Pastiche: 436-436
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