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1907 — 1928
Volume 24, Number 6

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1918-12-12
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Contents Notes of the Week: 81-83
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 84-85
The Irish Case against Ulster (E. A. B.): 85-86
The Influence of the War upon Labour (S. G. H.): 86-88
The Great War (Oxon, M. B.): 88-89
Drama (Hope, John Francis): 89-89
Old Peter the Painter (Triboulet): 90-91
Music (Atheling, William): 91-92
Recent Verse (Maguire, Stephen): 92-93
Reviews: 94-95
Mr. Penty's Case (Kerr, R. B.): 95-95
Control of Labour (National Guildsmen): 95-95
Letters to the Editor: 95-95
1915. America. 1919. (Kay, Fred): 96-96
At Bedtime (Mitchell, Frederic L.): 96-96
Hercules Buildings (Pellow, J. D. C.): 96-96
Sprite Alone (Pitter, Ruth): 96-96
Pastiche: 96-96
Press Cuttings: 96-96
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