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1907 — 1928
Volume 24, Number 11

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1919-01-16
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Contents Notes of the Week: 169-171
Demobilisation, 1919. (Granville, C.): 171-171
A Villanelle of Souls (Triboulet): 171-171
Foreign Affairs (Verdad, S.): 172-173
The Influence of the War upon Labour (S. G. H.): 173-175
Ibsen and His Creation (Lavrin, Janko): 175-177
Recent Verse (Maguire, Stephen): 177-178
Drama (Hope, John Francis): 178-179
Art Notes (Dias, B. H.): 179-180
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 180-181
Reviews: 181-182
In Memoriam (C. S. D.): 183-183
Nietzsche and Germany (Clement, Walter M.): 183-183
Musical Criticism (Dorémy, J.): 183-183
War Indemnities (Ed., N.A.): 183-183
As It Was (K.L.): 183-183
War Indemnities (L.W.): 183-183
Letters to the Editor: 183-183
The Death of the Mother of The Jugovitch (Rootham, Helen): 184-184
Pastiche: 184-184
Press Cuttings: 184-184
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