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1907 — 1928
Volume 26, Number 12

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1920-01-22
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Contents Germany's New "Sturm und Drang." (Scheffauer, Herman Geroge): 181-183
The House of Commons (Belloc, H.): 183-184
Rome and Persecution. (Fasnacht, G. Eugene): 184-185
The Materialism of "A.E.R." (Mairet, Philippe): 185-186
The Revolt of Intelligence (Pound, Ezra): 186-187
Drama (Hope, John Francis): 187-188
Readers and Writers (R. H. C.): 188-189
Adler. (Alcock, J. A. M.): 189-190
Contemporary Fragments (Lavrin, Janko): 190-192
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 192-193
Triplicity (Cook, H. Caldwell): 193-193
Reviews: 194-194
The Fight for Freedom (Goldring, Douglas): 194-195
Russia (del Ré, Arundel): 195-195
The Nietzsche Controversy and the Infamous "And" (Pitt-Rivers, George): 195-195
The Flagellants (Pound, Ezra): 195-195
Music (Sutcliffe, Walter L.): 195-195
Letters to the Editor: 195-195
Dream (Limebeer, E. V.): 196-196
Andante (Pitter, Ruth): 196-196
From the Mahabharata (J. A. M. A.): 196-196
Pastiche: 196-196
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