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1907 — 1928
Volume 27, Number 2

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1920-05-13
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Contents Notes of the Week: 17-20
These Present Discontents (II) (Douglas, C. H.): 20-21
The House of Commons (XIV: The Monarch) (Belloc, H.): 21-24
Wine and Spirits (Ludovici, Anthony M.): 24-24
Drama (Hope, John Francis): 25-26
Epistles to the Provincials (Hengist): 26-27
Nietzsche and the Mahabharata (Alcock, J. A. M.): 27-28
Balloons (Proude, Jasper): 28-28
Music (Atheling, William): 28-28
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 29-30
Reviews: 30-31
On "Tristion en Romance" (Pitter, Ruth): 32-32
Pastiche: 32-32
"Creeds" (Bateman, John): 32-32
Forgive Us Our Trespasses (W.R.): 32-32
Notes of the Week: 33-35
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