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1907 — 1928
Volume 27, Number 21

London: The New Age Press, Ltd., 1920-09-23
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Contents Notes of the Week: 301-303
(Peyre, S. Andre): 303-303
World Affairs (Cosmoi, M. M.): 303-304
The Fall of Reason (Moore, Edward): 305-304
Drama (Hope, John Francis): 306-305
Readers and Writers (R. H. C.): 307-307
Into the World of Ideas (Saurat, Denis): 308-308
On Earth as in Heaven (Maeztu, Ramiro de): 308-309
Explanatory Commentary on the Mining Scheme (V) (Practical Scheme for the Establishment of Economic and Industrial Democracy): 309-310
Views and Reviews (A. E. R.): 311-311
Press Cuttings: 312-312
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