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1908 — 1910
Vol. 1, No. 3
Hueffer, Ford Madox (editor)
London: Duckworth and Co., 1909-02-01
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Contents advertisements: i-viii
Col di Rodi: Ein Spaziergang (Hauptmann, Gerhard): 385-387
Three Poems (Yeats, W. B.): 387-388
Five Poems (de la Mare, Walter): 388-391
Afternoon Tea (Marjoram, J.): 392-394
Five Poems (Galsworthy, John): 395-397
The Island of Typhoëus (Douglas, Norman): 398-419
Georgiana. I (Barker, Granville): 420-431
Some Reminiscences. III (Conrad, Joseph): 432-446
Iván--"Isvoschick" (Saturin, J.): 447-452
The Virgin of the Seven Daggers: A Moorish Ghost Story of the Seventeenth Century. II (Lee, Vernon): 453-465
Tono-Bungay: A Romance of Commerce. III (Wells, H. G.): 466-562
The Functions of the Arts in the Republic. Music. III: 565-568
The Empire. British India. I (A. M.): 569-575
The Empire. The Present Discontent in India. II (Ali Khan, Syed Sirdar): 576-583
The Empire. The Desert of Australia. III (Egremont, G.): 584-593
Review: "Orthodoxy." By G. K. Chesterton (Scott-James, R. A.): 594-599
From Messina (Rossetti Agresti, O.): 600-604
Balance-sheet of a Twenty-five-acre Holding (Green, F. E.): 605-608
advertisements: ix-xii
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