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1912 — 1922
Vol. 5, No. 1
Monroe, Harriet (editor)
Chicago: Harriet Monroe, 1914-10-01 68 p.; 20 x 14.7 cm.
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Contents Songs of the Coast-Dwellers. The Chief's Prayer after the Salmon Catch (Skinner, Constance Lindsay): 1-2
Songs of the Coast-Dwellers. Song of the Search (Skinner, Constance Lindsay): 2-3
Songs of the Coast-Dwellers. Song of the Conqueror of Women (Skinner, Constance Lindsay): 3-5
Songs of the Coast-Dwellers. Song of the Full Catch (Skinner, Constance Lindsay): 5-6
Songs of the Coast-Dwellers. The Change-Song (Skinner, Constance Lindsay): 6-8
Songs of the Coast-Dwellers. Song of the Little Son (Skinner, Constance Lindsay): 8-10
Songs of the Coast-Dwellers. Song of Whip-Plaiting (Skinner, Constance Lindsay): 10-12
Songs of the Coast-Dwellers. Song of the Young Mother (Skinner, Constance Lindsay): 12-16
Songs of the Coast-Dwellers. No Answer Is Given (Skinner, Constance Lindsay): 16-19
In the Laboratory (Stevens, Thomas Wood): 20-22
To J. L. (Frank, Florence Kiper): 23-23
A Girl Strike-Leader (Frank, Florence Kiper): 23-24
City of Huge Buildings (Frank, Florence Kiper): 24-24
On the Jail Steps (Lee, Agnes): 25-25
A Statue in a Garden (Lee, Agnes): 26-26
Retrospect (Brooke, Rupert): 27-28
The Audience. I (Pound, Ezra): 29-30
The Audience. II (Monroe, Harriet): 31-32
Nationalism in Art (Lowell, Amy): 33-38
Book Review: Des Imagistes: An Anthology (Henderson, Alice Corbin): 38-40
Book Review: Sonnets From the Patagonian by Donald Evans, and Saloon Sonnets With Sunday Flutings by Allen Norton (Henderson, Alice Corbin): 41-42
Our Contemporaries: 42-45
Our Contemporaries. 'Ollie M'Gee' (Ford, Webster): 43-43
Our Contemporaries. 'Doc Hill' (Ford, Webster): 43-43
Our Contemporaries. 'The Hill' (Ford, Webster): 43-44
Notes: 46-48
Books Received: 48-48
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