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1912 — 1922
Vol. 8, No. 5
Monroe, Harriet (editor)
Chicago: Harriet Monroe, 1916-08-01 68 p.; 20 x 14.7 cm.
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Contents 1777 (Lowell, Amy): 219-226
Praise of Love (O'Brien, Jean): 227-228
Prayer (O'Brien, Jean): 228-228
Summer in Coronado (Wilkinson, Marguerite): 229-229
At Thirty He Sings of a Day in Spring (Masseck, Clinton Joseph): 230-231
Down the Wind (Masseck, Clinton Joseph): 231-231
Branded (Sebree-Smith, Amy): 231-232
The Wolf at the Door (Hall, Ruth): 233-233
The Anniversary (Hall, Ruth): 233-233
Night for Adventures (Starbuck, Victor): 234-236
The Faeries' Fool (Fitch, Anita): 236-236
Adventuring (McCarthy, John Russell): 237-238
Goldenrod (McCarthy, John Russell): 238-238
Isaac and Rebekah (Moore, T. Sturge): 239-250
New Banners (Monroe, Harriet): 251-253
Correspondences (Henderson, Alice Corbin): 254-255
Book Review: Two Anthologies―'Some Imagist Poets: 1916' and 'Georgian Poetry: 1913-1915' (Monroe, Harriet): 255-259
Book Review: Cadences, by F.S. Flint (Michelson, Max): 260-262
Book Review: In the Town and On the Road. by Douglas Goldring (Dudley, Dorothy): 262-263
Book Review: The Middle Miles and Other Poems, by Lee Wildon Dodd (Monroe, Harriet): 264-265
Book Review: 'The Jew to Jesus and Other Poems' by Florence Kiper Frank (Monroe, Harriet): 265-266
Book Review: Today and Tomorrow, by Charles Hanson Towne (Monroe, Harriet): 266-267
Book Review: The Nameless One, by Anne Cleveland Cheney (Monroe, Harriet): 267-267
Book Review: 'The Spirit of the American Revolution, as Revealed in the Poetry of the Period' by Samuel White Patterson: 267-267
The Dead Irish Poets. I (Colum, Padraic): 268-272
The Dead Irish Poets. II (Campbell, Joseph): 272-273
Notes: 273-273
Books Received: 274-274
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