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1912 — 1922
Vol. 13, No. 5
Monroe, Harriet (editor)
Chicago: Harriet Monroe, 1919-02-01 68 p.; 20 x 14.7 cm.
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Contents Contents: C-C
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: An Evening Meeting (Li Hai-ku): 233-233
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: The Emperor's Return from a Journey to the South (Wen Cheng-ming): 234-234
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: On Seeing the Portrait of a Beautiful Concubine (Ch'en Hung-Shou): 234-235
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: Calligraphy (Ling T'ung-shu): 235-236
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: One Goes a Journey (Lin Shih-an): 236-237
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: From the Straw Hut Among the Seven Peaks (Lu kun): 237-238
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: On the Classic of the Hills and Sea (T'ao Ch'ien): 238-239
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: A Recluse (Wang Chang-ling): 239-239
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: After How Many Years (Li Hai-ku): 239-242
Chinese Written Wall Pictures: The Inn at the Western Lake (Wang Ching-seng): 242-242
The Farewell (Vildrac, Charles): 243-249
Crayons of Dominica: Under the Saman (Glaenzer, Richard Butler): 250-250
Crayons of Dominica: The Little Donkey (Glaenzer, Richard Butler): 250-250
Crayons of Dominica: First Growth (Glaenzer, Richard Butler): 250-251
Crayons of Dominica: Caribbean Nights (Glaenzer, Richard Butler): 251-251
Orpheus in the Street (Van Slyke, B. K.): 252-252
In Winter (Van Slyke, B. K.): 252-252
The Alien (Cunningham, C.): 253-253
Mountain Tops (Bakeless, John): 253-253
In the Night (Judson, Margaret): 254-254
En Masse (Brownell, Baker): 255-257
Tommies in the Rain (Lawrence, D. H.): 258-259
War Baby (Lawrence, D. H.): 259-260
Obsequial Chant (Lawrence, D. H.): 260-261
Bread Upon the Waters (Lawrence, D. H.): 261-262
Pentecostal (Lawrence, D. H.): 262-263
Nostalgia (Lawrence, D. H.): 263-264
The Viereck Incident (Monroe, Harriet): 265-267
Written Pictures (Ayscough, Florence): 268-272
Book Review: 'Chinese Poems' trans. by Arthur Waley (Fletcher, John Gould): 273-281
Book Review: 'Eidola' by Frederic Manning (Monroe, Harriet): 281-282
Book Review: 'The Old Huntsman' by Siegfried Sassoon (Henderson, Alice Corbin): 283-284
An English Poet on "Poetry" (Trench, Herbert): 285-287
A Correction: 287-287
Announcements: 288-288
Notes: 289-289
Books Received: 290-290
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