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1910 — 1922
Vol. 59, No. 3
Bridges, Robert (editor)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1916-03-01
Vol. 59, No. 3
Bridges, Robert (editor)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1916-03-01
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Contents: 1-1
Front Advertisements: adv2-adv32
General Lee Accepts Terms of Surrender in the McLean House, Appomattox, April 9, 1865 (Riesenberg, Sidney H.): Frontispiece-Frontispiece
The Bird Refuges of Louisiana (Roosevelt, Theodore): 261-280
A Russian Painter's Impressions of the War: Scenes in Russia and France by Léon Gaspard (Carrington, James B.): 281-288
Bonnie May: A Strolling Player Comes. I-IV (Dodge, Louis): 289-306
My Remembrances: With the Boston Museum Company (Sothern, Edward H.): 306-317
Remating Time. The United Home. A Happy Ending to the Question: "But How About the Children of the Divorced?". III (Williams, Jesse Lynch): 318-328
Kerfol (Wharton, Edith): 329-341
Along the Mexican Border (Peixotto, Ernest): 342-350
The Silent Infare (Gordon, Armistead C.): 351-358
A Little Flier in Culture (Miner, Jessie S.): 359-367
Charity (Carman, Miriam Crittenden): 367-367
The Serbian People in War Time (Naylor, Stanley): 368-380
The Point of View: 381-384
The Field of Art: Chinese Porcelains (Carroll, Dana H.): 385-388
The Financial World. The War and Currency Inflation (Noyes, Alexander Dana): 389-adv51
Back Advertisements: adv32a-E
Front Advertisements: adv2-adv32
General Lee Accepts Terms of Surrender in the McLean House, Appomattox, April 9, 1865 (Riesenberg, Sidney H.): Frontispiece-Frontispiece
The Bird Refuges of Louisiana (Roosevelt, Theodore): 261-280
A Russian Painter's Impressions of the War: Scenes in Russia and France by Léon Gaspard (Carrington, James B.): 281-288
Bonnie May: A Strolling Player Comes. I-IV (Dodge, Louis): 289-306
My Remembrances: With the Boston Museum Company (Sothern, Edward H.): 306-317
Remating Time. The United Home. A Happy Ending to the Question: "But How About the Children of the Divorced?". III (Williams, Jesse Lynch): 318-328
Kerfol (Wharton, Edith): 329-341
Along the Mexican Border (Peixotto, Ernest): 342-350
The Silent Infare (Gordon, Armistead C.): 351-358
A Little Flier in Culture (Miner, Jessie S.): 359-367
Charity (Carman, Miriam Crittenden): 367-367
The Serbian People in War Time (Naylor, Stanley): 368-380
The Point of View: 381-384
The Field of Art: Chinese Porcelains (Carroll, Dana H.): 385-388
The Financial World. The War and Currency Inflation (Noyes, Alexander Dana): 389-adv51
Back Advertisements: adv32a-E