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1910 — 1922
Vol. 57, No. 3
Bridges, Robert (editor)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915-03-01
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Contents Contents: C-C
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These Swamps, Where Fever-maddened Men Have Pressed to Fight and Die for Gold. . . . (Wyeth, N. C.): 264-264
The Building of the Panama Canal. Success of Government Methods. I (Goethals, George W.): 265-282
Panama (Hanson, Joseph Mills): 282-283
The Shunway (Gordon, Armistead C.): 284-293
King Albert of the Belgians (Boulger, Demetrius C.): 294-303
The Border-Land (Parsons, Francis): 304-317
The Old Technique (Sherwood, Margaret): 317-317
The Freelands. X-XIII (Galsworthy, John): 318-331
Alice's Child (Brown, Katharine Holland): 332-346
The New Conditions in War: As Seen from the German Side (Archibald, James F. J.): 347-358
Belgium (Blood, Benj. Paul): 358-358
The War from an American Point of View (McClellan, George B.): 359-367
Turkey and Germany (Dwight, H. G.): 368-372
Growing Old (Deming, P.): 372-374
"Telefunken": [Sayville, L. I.] (Finley, John): 375-375
Pal: The Story of a Dog Who Re-Enlisted (Willis, Lloyd Dorsey): 376-385
Immortals in Exile (Ficke, Arthur Davison): 386-387
The Point of View: 387-390
The Field of Art: The New Art in America (Harrison, Birge): 391-394
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