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1910 — 1922
Vol. 51, No. 5
Burlingame, Edward Livermore (editor)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912-05-01 244 p.; 24.1 x 16.5 cm
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Contents Contents: C-C
Front Advertisements: adv2-adv32
That Black Thing up There, with Hoarse Snorts and Dipping, Swaying Beak, Was One of the Prehistoric Animals, Making a Gritty Meal (Shrader, E. Roscoe): Frontispiece-Frontispiece
Water and Power in Industry: 513-560
The Power Planters (Brooks, Benjamin): 513-524
Water Power in Industrial Life (Rushmore, David B.): 524-537
A Ditch in the Desert (Shrader, E. Roscoe): 538-550
The Deepest Siphon Tunnel in the World (Tomlin, Robert K.): 551-560
The Heart of the Hills. V-VII (Fox, John): 561-570
Amfortas (Robinson, Corrine Roosevelt): 570-571
Out There (Ruhl, Arthur): 571-584
The Convictions of a Grandfather. IX-X (Grant, Robert): 585-595
Of His Own Household (Bunner, Alice Learned): 595-595
Witching Hill Stories. The Angel of Life. IV (Hornung, E. W.): 596-605
Pierre Auguste Renoir (Pach, Walter): 606-615
West and East (Bellows, Henry Adams): 615-615
The Turnstile. XXIX-XXXII (Mason, A. E. W.): 616-633
The Point of View: 633-636
The Field of Art. Albrecht Dürer's Portrait of Sir Thomas More (Smith, Preserved): 637-640
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