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1910 — 1922
Vol. 54, No. 6
Burlingame, Edward Livermore (editor)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1913-12-01 274 p.; 24.1 x 16.5 cm
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Christmas Morning (Wyeth, N. C.): Frontispiece-Frontispiece
The Great Minus (Parker, Gilbert): 665-677
'Gran' Boule': A Seaman's Tale of the Sea (van Dyke, Henry): 678-680
The Life-History of the African Buffalo, Giant Eland, and Common Eland (Roosevelt, Theodore): 681-693
The Minster Statue on Christmas Eve (Low, Benjamin R. C.): 694-695
Masquerade Island (Pangborn, Georgia Wood): 696-708
A Schoolboy's Interview with Abraham Lincoln (Paton, William Agnew): 709-710
A Likeness: (Portrait Bust of an Unknown, Capitol, Rome) (Cather, Willa Sibert): 711-712
An English Writer's Notes on England. The Celtic West (Cornwall, Wales, Ireland) (Lee, Vernon): 712-724
Sappho (Teasdale, Sara): 725-726
The Way to Inde (Brooke, L.): 727-730
On the Staircase (Gerould, Katharine Fullerton): 731-743
The Dead Forerunner (C. W.): 743-743
In the Matter of a Bale of Blankets (Connolly, James B.): 744-755
The Devil-Hen (Mayo, Katherine): 756-764
The Grief (Garrison, Theodosia): 764-764
The Man behind the Bars. Third Paper (Taylor, Winifred Louise): 765-778
Things (Miller, Alice Duer): 779-786
Enchantment (Hodgson, Laurence C.): 786-786
The Point of View: 787-790
The Field of Art. The New St. Thomas's Church, New York (Schuyler, Montgomery): 791-794
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