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1910 — 1922
Vol. 70, No. 6
Bridges, Robert (editor)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1921-12-01 258 p.; 24.1 x 16.5 cm.
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Contents Contents: C-C
Front Advertisements: adv2-adv68
Christmas Decoration: 641-641
It Was a Dream, Surely ... (Minard, Florence): 642-642
When I Grew Up to Middle-Age (Burt, Maxwell Struthers): 643-645
The Nativity: A Miracle Play in New England (Boult, Ella M.): 646-652
To Avernus and Out (van Dyke, Henry): 653-663
Leaves from My Autobiography. General Grant—Roscoe Conkling—Garfield and Arthur—Grover Cleveland—James G. Blaine. II (Depew, Chauncy M.): 664-676
Three Great Ladies (Cleghorn, Sarah N.): 677-679
Painless Thinking (Swift, Edgar James): 680-685
In the Name of the Commonwealth (Roberts, Mary Eleanor): 686-688
The Runaway Blimp (Welles, Harriet): 689-701
Homesteaders (Gilchrist, Helen Ives): 701-701
Christmas Canticle (Scollard, Clinton): 702-703
An Adventure in Salamanca (Peixotto, Ernest): 704-714
The Love-Song (Kenyon, Bernice Lesbia): 714-714
The Right Hunch (Brown, Katharine Holland): 715-720
The Plant-Lore of 'The Compleat Angler' (Vaughan, John): 720-728
Odysseus (O'Brien-Moore, Ainsworth): 729-729
British English and American English (Tucker, Thomas G.): 730-736
Corkran of the Clamstretch (Biggs, John): 737-745
Philandering among the Roses (Seifert, Shirley L.): 746-758
The Point of View: 759-762
The Field of Art. Theodore Robinson: A Pioneer American Impressionist (Clark, Eliot): 763-768
The Financial Situation. Three Years after the Armistice (Noyes, Alexander Dana): 769-adv84
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