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1910 — 1922
Vol. 72, No. 1
Bridges, Robert (editor)
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922-07-01 210 p.; 24.1 x 16.5 cm
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Summer. The Wood Road to the Village (Owen, R. Emmett): 2-2
Masterpieces of American Taxidermy (Hornaday, William T.): 3-17
Barges (Gleason, J. D.): 17-25
The Elusive American and the Ex-European (Boyd, Ernest): 26-28
A Season in Montmartre (Huard, Frances Wilson): 29-41
Painted Canyon (Welles, Harriet): 42-54
Tents of the Conservative (Albert, Allen D.): 54-59
The Gentleman with Plaid Eyes (Eastman, Rebecca Hooper): 60-68
Ode to Shelley (Sterling, George): 69-72
Books and Autograph Letters of Shelley (Smith, Harry B.): 73-87
'Rights' (Esty, Annette): 87-96
'Beauty Persists' (Burt, Maxwell Struthers): 96-96
The Significance of Recent American Drama (Quinn, Arthur Hobson): 97-108
Radio (Rutledge, Archibald): 108-108
The Man Who Made Poetry Hum (Lee, Jennette): 109-115
Death, the Sculptor (Smith, Nora Archibald): 115-115
Standardizing the Individual (Burlingame, Roger): 116-118
The Point of View: 119-122
The Field of Art. American Illustration and the Reproductive Arts (Carrington, James B.): 123-128
The Financial Situation. Entering a New Chapter (Noyes, Alexander Dana): 129-adv57
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