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1910 — 1922
Vol. 13, No. 2
Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt (editor)
New York: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1916-12-01 52 p.; 22.9 x 15.2 cm.
Vol. 13, No. 2
Du Bois, W. E. Burghardt (editor)
New York: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1916-12-01 52 p.; 22.9 x 15.2 cm.
change view:
The Three Kings (Metsys, Quentin): 53-53
Front Advertisements: 54-54
Contents: 55-55
Editorial: 59-63
Cartoon. The Election: 59-59
'Bits': A Christmas Story (Ricks, Helen G.): 64-66
Christ-Mother: 66-66
Anthony Crawford: 67-67
The First Stone (Bowler, Joseph Lyndel): 68-71
The Foretrekkers (Werner, Alice): 71-71
Fifty Years in Louisiana: Views of a Northern White Settler in the South (Baldwin, John Paul): 71-73
The Outer Pocket: [Letters] (Moorland, J. E.): 73-74
Men of the Month: 75-77
Shadows of Light. Unveiling of the Statue of Antonio Maceo, the Colored Liberator of Cuba, May 20, 1916, at Havana: 77-77
Shadows of Light. Christmas in Georgia, A.D. 1916: 78-79
Shadows of Light. Jack Bond of Selma, Ala., and Others: 80-80
The Looking Glass: 81-87
The Horizon: 88-94
Back Advertisements: 95-104
Front Advertisements: 54-54
Contents: 55-55
Editorial: 59-63
Cartoon. The Election: 59-59
'Bits': A Christmas Story (Ricks, Helen G.): 64-66
Christ-Mother: 66-66
Anthony Crawford: 67-67
The First Stone (Bowler, Joseph Lyndel): 68-71
The Foretrekkers (Werner, Alice): 71-71
Fifty Years in Louisiana: Views of a Northern White Settler in the South (Baldwin, John Paul): 71-73
The Outer Pocket: [Letters] (Moorland, J. E.): 73-74
Men of the Month: 75-77
Shadows of Light. Unveiling of the Statue of Antonio Maceo, the Colored Liberator of Cuba, May 20, 1916, at Havana: 77-77
Shadows of Light. Christmas in Georgia, A.D. 1916: 78-79
Shadows of Light. Jack Bond of Selma, Ala., and Others: 80-80
The Looking Glass: 81-87
The Horizon: 88-94
Back Advertisements: 95-104