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1911 — 1912
Vol. 1, No. 1
Marsden, Dora (editor)
London: Stephen Swift and Co. Ltd., 1911-11-23 20 p.; 33 x 22.5 cm
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Contents Contents: 1-1
Bondwomen: 1-2
Notes of the Week: 3-4
A Definition of Marriage (D'Auvergne, Edmund B.): 5-6
Der Bund für Mutterschutz: A German League for the Protection of Mothers (Drysdale, Bessie): 6-7
Feminism under the Republic and the Early Empire. I (Haughton, Amy): 7-9
Contemporary Recognition of Polygamy (E. S. P. H.): 9-10
The Spinster (One): 10-11
The Fashioning of Florence Isabel (Zangwill, E. Ayrton): 11-13
The Illusion of Propagandist Drama (Dukes, Ashley): 13-14
The Psychology of Sex (Kennedy, J. M.): 14-16
A University Degree for Housewives? (Educationist): 16-18
The Sheltered Life (Hindshaw, Winifred): 18-19
Advertisements: 14-20
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