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1911 — 1912
Vol. 1, No. 25
Marsden, Dora (editor)
London: Stephen Swift and Co. Ltd., 1912-05-09 20 p.; 33 x 22.5 cm
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Contents Contents: 481-481
Interpretation of Sex. II: 481-482
Topics of the Week. Browning: 483-484
The Problem of Illegitimacy. I (Foss, William): 485-486
Two Poets. Book Review of 'Insurrections' and 'The Hill of Vision' by James Stephens and 'Moods, Songs, and Doggerels' by John Galsworthy (West, Rebecca): 486-488
The Way of Circumstance: A True Incident (Granville, Charles): 488-489
'Talking about Shakespeare' (Rubinstein, H. F.): 489-491
'Max!': Book Review of 'Cartoons: The Second Childhood of John Bull' by Max Beerbohm (Melville, Lewis): 491-492
The New Order. The New Landholder: Social Freedom by Security of Subsistence. II (Macdonald, W. Allan): 492-494
Correspondence. Chivalry (Visiak, E. H.): 495-495
Correspondence. Praise and Blame (A Woman): 495-495
Correspondence. Saving Women First ("Fair Play"): 495-495
Correspondence. Some Thoughts on Religion (Cameron, D.): 495-496
Correspondence. Hobbled Minds ("A Deficient and Disappointed Woman"): 496-497
Correspondence. Women's Growing Antagonism towards Sex (A Grateful Reader): 497-497
Correspondence. The Right to Love (Highway Man): 497-498
Correspondence. How the State Penalises the Unmarried Mother (P. W.): 498-498
Correspondence. The Futurists (Jones, Gladys): 498-498
Correspondence. The Status of Men (Dennett, Mary Ware): 498-499
Correspondence. Rabbi Ben Ezra (Pedant): 499-499
Advertisements: 485-485
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