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1911 — 1912
Vol. 2, No. 39
Marsden, Dora (editor)
London: Stephen Swift and Co. Ltd., 1912-08-15 20 p.; 33 x 22.5 cm
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Contents Contents: 241-241
Culture and Intellect (Grierson, Francis): 241-242
The Atlantean (Visiak, E. H.): 241-242
Topics of the Week. The State and Freedom: 243-244
Strindberg—The English Gentleman: Book Review of 'The Confession of a Fool' and 'Plays' by August Strindberg (West, Rebecca): 245-246
The Cause of Financial Panics. II (Kitson, Arthur): 246-247
Will Men Govern When Women Have the Vote? (Norman, C. H.): 247-249
The New Order : Series II. The New Education: Free Initiative and Life-Long Culture. I (Macdonald, W. Allan): 249-251
The Social Value of Women's Suffrage (Holley, Horace): 251-254
The Disabilities of Women (Richardson, D. M.): 254-255
Correspondence. Note to Correspondents (Ed. of "The Freewoman"): 256-256
Correspondence. Money, Capital and Interest (Kitson, Arthur): 256-256
Correspondence. On Interest (Fysher, Greevz): 256-257
Correspondence. Women and the Evolutionary Force (O'Shea, N.): 257-257
Correspondence. The Children of the State (Tayleur, Richard): 257-258
Correspondence. More Questions (Browne, F. W. Stella): 258-258
Correspondence. On the Utility of Art (Ciolkowska, Muriel): 258-258
Correspondence. Mr. McKenna and Forcible Feeding (Norman, C. H.): 258-259
Correspondence. English Prudery (W. H. A.): 259-259
Correspondence. The Problems of Celibacy (W. H. A.): 259-259
Correspondence. Illegitimacy (D'Auvergne, Edmund): 259-259
Advertisements: 253-255
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